Duration of Snow Removal Service
Snow removal contract starts November 1st 2024 to April 15th 2025
RLawn will start snow removal after an accumulation of approximately 5cm (2inches) or more. Snow removal accumulation is based by the forecast. The Contractor shall be permitted to remove snow from your property at any time.. Any snowfall less than five centimeters (5cm) is the responsibility of the homeowner.
If the forecast is calling for five to ten centimeters (5cm – 10cm) of snow the Contractor may wait to dispatch operators until the snow has finished falling. There will be no overnight Snow Clearing Services for snowfall less than seven centimeters (7cm).
Client will apply ice melt, salt or sand after RLawn or the contractor has cleared the snow.
The snow removal time will vary pending on amount of snow that has fallen or type. If inadequate space exist on a client’s property for snow storage. The client Shall make arrangements to have the snow placed in a different area that will not decrease the efficiency of the contractor.
In the event snow accumulation in excess of 300 cm occurs, the Customer(s) agree to pay additional fees on a per-centimeter basis calculated as follows: Example: (based on a contract value of $499 and 100 extra centimeters) [Contract Price] divided by [300 cm] = [additional price per cm] times [amount of cm]
Example: $499 / 300cm(10ft) = $1.66/cm x 100cm = $125.00
The contractor is responsible for removal of snow and not icing that may occur.
If cars are left in the driveway snow will only be cleared from accessible areas that open into the street.
Waiver of Liability / Indemnification
The Contractor is not liable, responsible, or accountable to the Customer(s) for:
a) Any damage to the Customer(s) lawn, flower beds, trees, or garden;
b) Any rocks, sand, or debris which is blown onto the Customer’s lawn as a result of Snow Clearing services;
c) Scratches, marks, rust, chips, cracks, or any other damage of any kind to the Customer’s driveway or Serviced Areas whether arising as a result of uneven asphalt or uneven interlock surfaces or otherwise.
The Contractor shall not be held liable for Personal Injury Or Slip & Falls. RLawn is only responsible for the removal of snow and does not ensure a safe or slip free surface.
The Contractor will install two border markers by the end of the driveway on your property, prior to the snow removal season. It is the client’s responsibility to supply and install additional markers around immovable objects such as retaining walls, steps, elevated patio stones, wheelchair ramps, etc., which may become invisible when covered by snow.
The Contractor shall not be held responsible in any way for damages due to icy or slippery conditions.
If opting for this service I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for any disability, personal injury, property damage, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me, RLawn and/or their directors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents as applicable; and save harmless the contractor, and its employees, against any and all claims by the customer etc. Unless contractor is deemed negligent in their work or does not follow responsibilities defined in the contract. RLawn for any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of the application of the ice melt to the property.